
Dear Parents of Gifted Students,
I would like to take this time to express to you how much I have loved having the opportunity to teach your creative and caring children! It has truly been an honor.
On the last day of gifted class, we will have a fun day themed as the “Classroom Olympics”! Information can be found below regarding donations that will be needed for this event.
To our lovely 5th graders- Happy graduation! I’ll miss you and I wish you the best in middle school!
Last Days of Gifted
MONDAY, May 21st- K-2nd Grade
TUESDAY, May 22nd- 3rd Grade
WEDNESDAY, May 23rd- 4th Grade  
THURSDAY, May 24th- 5th Grade

Classroom Olympics- Students will compete in teams to participate in activities that mirror the Olympic Games, such as cotton-ball shot put, straw-javelin throw, paper plate discus, and more!  

Items needed for Classroom Olympics
  • Cotton Balls
  • Round paper plates
  • Straws that do not bend
  • Small Plastic containers of all shapes (cylinder, square, rectangular) (holds 1-3 oz)
  • Plastic cups, plates, napkins, plastic-ware for party
  • If your child wants to bring sports gear (like headbands, team shirt, etc.)- cool!
Food for the Celebration!
Of course we’d appreciate any snacks, but here are a few Olympic-themed ideas that might be fun!
  • Gold Medals- Golden Oreos for Medal, Fruit by the Foot as the Chain
  • Torches- Small Ice Cream Cones with Cheetos or Popcorn inside for the flame
  • Pretzel Javelins- pretzel sticks, maybe even chocolate dipped
  • Ring-shaped Treats- like donuts, bagels, or candy
  • Veggie/Fruit Tray- in the 5 colors- black (olives), green (celery, cucumbers), yellow (pineapple), red (watermelon, strawberries), blue (blueberries) etc.
  • Rehydration- drinks like water, Gatorade, fruit juice

Of course anything else from your imaginations would be great too! Please let me know if you can bring in anything! Volunteers are also welcome to help out in the classroom on the special day of festivities. A sign-up genius will be sent home shortly!

THANK YOU! J            Have a great summer!!!!!!!!    

Unit 6: March
Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

We are winding down to the end of the year. Even though we are coming off a nice Spring Break it is important to maintain our focus on the last weeks of school. I know we have a lot planned so let’s bring our best game!

Project Based Learning- Canada

Students will embark on an international journey to explore our neighbors to the north- Canada. They will study the geography of the giant country and become experts on some of the most well-known provinces in the nation.

Students will role-play as travel agents trying to entice customers to visit one of the following provinces- British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec.

The learners will conduct research in order to create brochures to persuade vacationers to spend time in their particular province. They will research land features, language, population, attractions, historical background, and more!

Unit 5: Feb.
Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

Right here in our very own classroom, we have a number of little “stars” who will be performing this month in Oasis Arts’ production of “Madagascar Jr. – A Musical Adventure”! We hope you will all be able to see this wild journey come to life on stage! The dates are: Feb. 7, 8, & 9 at 6:30 PM at Ida Baker High. Tickets will be sold at the door or they can be purchased online right now at showtix4u.com. Just search “Oasis Arts” and you will find the event! We hope to see you there!

Project Based Learning- Emperor Penguins and Mr. Popper’s Penguins

Students will toboggan into an Emperor Penguin unit, studying the Antarctic residents and Richard and Florence Atwater’s Mr. Popper’s Penguins. We will research the biology of these majestic creatures, observing climate and living conditions. In our literature unit, we will read about a daydreaming man who is given a pet penguin and his life becomes mayhem. The unit will culminate with the viewing of March of the Penguins, with a Venn diagram comparison and contrasting.

The learner will identify scientific characteristics of Emperor Penguins including size, habitat, survival adaptations, and hatching procedures.

Students will compare and contrast characteristics and behaviors of Antarctic Emperor Penguins with the fictional Mr. Popper’s Penguins.

The learner will analyze data on the same scientific subject through non-fiction and fiction resources.

Students will categorize story elements such as characters, predictions, sequencing, etc and use the text to observe and practice creative writing elements such as alliteration and similes.

Literature- Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater

Unit 4: Jan.-Feb.

Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

Welcome back from winter break! I hope you all enjoyed your time off and made amazing memories with your family and friends! Now that we are all well-rested and full of positive hopes and aspirations for the future, let’s dive into the second half of our school year!

Project Based Learning: The Solar System- SPACE RACE Simulation

Students form Space Exploration Teams and begin a journey through our Solar System and beyond. The adventure takes us to the sun and all of the planets. We also make short stops to visit comets, meteors, and asteroids. At each space stop, mission teams will read about the location and share facts. Then they will be challenged to think creatively and critically. Enjoy lively discussions as your travel mates and you make a variety of project. So climb aboard your spacecraft!

Students will research planets, stars, comets, and asteroids to apply comprehension of location in the solar system, atmosphere, climate, and much more.

Students will utilize books and the internet to research information in order to participate in critical thinking and creative projects that apply their knowledge.

Students will participate in science experiments, art projects, poetry and creative writing, as well as other authentic tasks that pertain to each planet, to complete the Space Race.

Literature- Holes by Louis Sachar
Donations Needed
If you could be so kind, the following items are in short supply in our classroom and would greatly be appreciated:

pipe cleaners, pom poms, feathers, straws, glitter, googly eyes (any general craft supplies)
small prizes for the treasure box
Thank you!

Unit 3: Nov.-Dec.

Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

Gifted learners have varying levels of abilities and talents in different areas. Some students are great readers and love music while others are good at math and enjoy hands-on building projects. Most children will not excel in every aspect of school either. If your child starts to waiver in a subject and needs extra help, please remind them that gifted learners do not have to be “gifted” at everything and we all have something to bring to the table. It is best to appreciate ourselves and our children for what makes us special and help each other in areas that need attention.
Have a great month!

Project Based Learning- Classification of Animals/ Endangered Species

Students will delve into the vertebrate groups: mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, and reptiles. We will compare and contrast the groups, as well as look at invertebrates briefly. Students will analyze how natural surroundings and environments have influenced the survival tactics and adaptations of these animals. Students will also complete a research report on an endangered species. They will learn research, note-taking, and interview skills.

Students will identify scientific characteristics of vertebrate groups including size, habitat, survival adaptations, and hatching procedures.

Learners compare and contrast characteristics of fish, mammals, amphibians, birds, and reptiles.

Children become an expert on one of the endangered species and create a research report as well as an oral presentation.

Needed Items: Donations made to our classroom are very much appreciated!
Once the student has chosen his endangered species, it would be helpful for him/her to gather books and resources to bring to class about that species.

Literature- Holes by Louis Sachar

Unit 2: Oct.- Nov.

Dear Parents of 3rd Graders,

We had a… rocky beginning of the school year, to say the least. With all of the crazy weather our area has experienced, unfortunately it has taken us a little while to get in a groove. However, amongst all of the interruptions we did get to learn about the early Native American tribes and the explorers who settled the “New World.” Meanwhile… our next unit has much in store.

Project Based Learning: Geology & Geography- PELE’S PEAK

Students form Volcanology groups to study the geography and culture of the archipelago of the Hawaiian Islands, and become geologists studying the formation and eruption of volcanoes as well as the classification of the types of volcanoes. They will create travel brochures about Hawaii, posters explaining specific types of volcanoes, read Hawaiian mythology and write their own myths, and build their own volcanoes!

Students will research and identify the different kinds of volcanoes (cinder, shield, spatter, complex, composite) and understand the various types of volcanic eruptions.

Students will study the geography and culture of the Hawaiian islands and create a travel brochure illustrating the tourist attractions, business and commerce, climate, and scenery of a specific island.

Students will write their own original myth to explain a natural disaster/phenomena such as a hurricane, tsunami, earthquake, etc. as Pele’s Peak explains the formation of volcanoes.

Luau: We are going to have a small Luau celebration on Tuesday, Nov. 7th,  to celebrate the end of our Pele’s Peak Hawaii unit. We will also be creating volcanoes. Please stay tuned for a sign-up genius to send in materials for our volcanoes and treats for the luau!

Literature: Holes by Louis Sachar

Unit 1: Aug.-Sept.

Dear Parents and Guardians of 3rd Graders,

It is thrilling to begin a new year of investigation, enrichment, and exploration! We have begun our Interactive Notebooks. I want to reiterate the importance of having the 3-subject notebooks and what we will be doing with them. We are going to be completing Interactive Notebooks in class. The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. We will glue in diagrams, pictures, vocabulary, and much more! It will also serve as an ongoing portfolio of all their gifted work. Ours will be divided up into three sections: Critical Thinking, Project Based Learning, and Reflections.                              

Project Based Learning- Early Americans and Exploration Simulation
Students take on the roles first of Native American tribes and second as Explorers from Europe and investigate their relationships and the positive/negative aspects of the conquests.
The student will become an expert on a particular Native American tribe (Aztec, Inca, Iroquois, Pueblo, or Algonquin) and research the concept of civilization and population decrease due to diseases, creating codices about their Native American tribes.

Students research and create profiles and biography cards about a particular American Explorer (Columbus, Pizarro, Cortes, Hudson) and present these in a “Grand Encounter” in which students will give speeches. Students will also demonstrate geography skills as they trace routes on maps of five major explorers.

Students will role play to express their expertise on either their original Native American tribe or Explorer in a final debate.

Literature: Holes by Louis Sachar

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