
Dear Parents of Gifted Students,

I would like to take this time to express to you how much I have loved having the opportunity to teach your creative and caring children! It has truly been an honor.
On the last day of gifted class, we will have a fun day themed as the “Classroom Olympics”! Information can be found below regarding donations that will be needed for this event.
To our lovely 5th graders- Happy graduation! I’ll miss you and I wish you the best in middle school!
Last Days of Gifted
MONDAY, May 21st- K-2nd Grade
TUESDAY, May 22nd- 3rd Grade
WEDNESDAY, May 23rd- 4th Grade  
THURSDAY, May 24th- 5th Grade

Classroom Olympics- Students will compete in teams to participate in activities that mirror the Olympic Games, such as cotton-ball shot put, straw-javelin throw, paper plate discus, and more!  

Items needed for Classroom Olympics
  • Cotton Balls
  • Round paper plates
  • Straws that do not bend
  • Small Plastic containers of all shapes (cylinder, square, rectangular) (holds 1-3 oz)
  • Plastic cups, plates, napkins, plastic-ware for party
  • If your child wants to bring sports gear (like headbands, team shirt, etc.)- cool!
Food for the Celebration!
Of course we’d appreciate any snacks, but here are a few Olympic-themed ideas that might be fun!
  • Gold Medals- Golden Oreos for Medal, Fruit by the Foot as the Chain
  • Torches- Small Ice Cream Cones with Cheetos or Popcorn inside for the flame
  • Pretzel Javelins- pretzel sticks, maybe even chocolate dipped
  • Ring-shaped Treats- like donuts, bagels, or candy
  • Veggie/Fruit Tray- in the 5 colors- black (olives), green (celery, cucumbers), yellow (pineapple), red (watermelon, strawberries), blue (blueberries) etc.
  • Rehydration- drinks like water, Gatorade, fruit juice

Of course anything else from your imaginations would be great too! Please let me know if you can bring in anything! Volunteers are also welcome to help out in the classroom on the special day of festivities. A sign-up genius will be sent home shortly!

THANK YOU! J            Have a great summer!!!!!!!!    

Unit 7: March
Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

We are winding down to the end of the year. Even though we are coming off a nice Spring Break it is important to maintain our focus on the last weeks of school. I know we have a lot planned so let’s bring our best game! 

Project Based Learning- Great Barrier Reef  

Students will become scientists studying all of the fascinating complexities of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. They will consider what types of qualifications and qualities a marine scientist would need to have, culminating in creating a job application to endorse themselves as a candidate for the position as well as an interview.

Students will research to learn about the sea life that makes coral reefs its home. What types of animals live there? What do they eat? What/who threatens them? How do they protect themselves? Etc.

They will also choose one marine animal to become an expert on. Students will conduct thorough investigation about the creature and will eventually build a 3D model of it to present to the class.

Students will lead an experiment to understand the effects of oil spills on the wildlife living near the coral reef. They will also brainstorm and test solutions to this problem.
Unit 6: Feb.

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

This month is Oasis Arts’ production of “Madagascar Jr. – A Musical Adventure”! We hope you will all be able to see this wild journey come to life on stage! The dates are: Feb. 7, 8, & 9 at 6:30 PM at Ida Baker High. Tickets will be sold at the door or they can be purchased online right now at showtix4u.com. Just search “Oasis Arts” and you will find the event! We hope to see you there!

Project Based Learning- Dinosaurs

Students will journey back in time to the Age of the Reptiles. Through role-playing as paleontologists, they will study how fossils are formed, learn how to investigate remains to learn more about these prehistoric creatures, and discuss various extinction theories. No doubt your child will love “digging in” to this unit!

Students will visit “fossil sites” where they will learn how to map, label, and remove fossils. They will study these remains to gain clues and rebuild the skeletons of various dinosaurs.

The learner will even role-play as a dinosaur searching for food while simultaneously protecting itself from the dangerous Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Students will evaluate the likelihood of a variety of theories posed by scientists to explain the mysterious disappearance of dinosaurs from the world scene.

The students will complete a variety of artistic tasks, such as designing a dinosaur of their own and performing in a dinosaur play.

Literature- Sophie Simon Solves Them All by Lisa Graff

Unit 5: Jan.

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

Welcome back from winter break! I hope you all enjoyed your time off and made amazing memories with your family and friends! Now that we are all well-rested and full of positive hopes and aspirations for the future, let’s dive into the second half of our school year!

Project Based Learning- Roberto’s Rainforest Simulation    

Roberto’s Rainforest is a scientific canoeing trip that allows naturalists to explore a tropical rainforest in South America (the Amazon). It is designed to broaden the students’ scientific knowledge through the study of life forms found in the rainforest. It includes the study of weather, insects, plants, water, birds, people, and animals.

Students will enhance vocabulary by familiarizing themselves with rainforest science terms and illustrating those terms in visual images, summaries, and poetry.

Learners will cooperatively work together to create mural illustrating the canopies and layers of the rainforest, and the plant and animal life found on each layer.

Groups will compare and contrast the fruits, flowers, reptiles, birds, insects, fish, and mammals and their attributes from the rainforests.

Sophie Simon Solves Them All by Lisa Graff

Donations Needed
If you could be so kind, the following items are in short supply in our classroom and would greatly be appreciated:

pipe cleaners, pom poms, feathers, straws, glitter, googly eyes (any general craft supplies)
small prizes for the treasure box

Unit 4: Dec.

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

This year is just flying by! I hope you child is loving his/her experience so far in the gifted classroom. I am happy to see that our family is growing and slowly but surely we are gaining more classmates!
Project Based Learning- Ancient Greece

Students will explore ancient Greek culture and practices by forming poleis and taking on Greek identities.

Students will become experts on major Greek city-states such as Athens and Sparta.

Students will create poems or skits to teach their classmates about the culture of their particular city-state.

Students will study classic Greek myths such as ones pertaining to Zeus or Narcissus.

Students will construct picture cubes about Greek gods or goddesses.

Students will study Greek architecture and build a model of the Acropolis using classroom supplies such as construction paper, rubber bands, and craft sticks.

Wayside School by Louis Sachar

Unit 3: Nov.

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

Gifted learners have varying levels of abilities and talents in different areas. Some students are great readers and love music while others are good at math and enjoy hands-on building projects. Most children will not excel in every aspect of school either. If your child starts to waiver in a subject and needs extra help, please remind them that gifted learners do not have to be “gifted” at everything and we all have something to bring to the table. It is best to appreciate ourselves and our children for what makes us special and help each other in areas that need attention.
Have a great month!

Project Based Learning- Asian Civilizations

Students will do an in depth study of the country of India, including the culture and history of its over 1 billion inhabitants.

Students will learn about the significance of the elephant to the country of India, as well as engage in an art project focused on this majestic creature.

Students will also explore ancient Chinese culture and practices by creating a scroll with their names written in Mandarin.

Students will explore various art forms native to Asia, including origami, lantern poetry, and rangoli designs.

Wayside School by Louis Sachar
Tikki Tikki Tembo by Arlene Mosel
Adventures in Ancient China by Linda Bailey

Unit 2: Oct.-Nov.

Dear Parents of 1st and 2nd Graders,

We had a… rocky beginning of the school year, to say the least. With all of the crazy weather our area has experienced, unfortunately it has taken us a little while to get in a groove. However, amongst all of the interruptions we did get to travel to the seven continents and became masters of geography! Meanwhile… our next unit has much in store.

Project Based Learning: Simple Machines and Humans

Students will define machines and explore the functions of simple machines.

Students will explore the reason for creating machines (making life easier, convenience, uniformity).

Students will compare and contrast machines and the functions of the human body.

Students will learn about how the body moves by the use of bones, joints, muscles, and tendons.


Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar

Unit 1: Aug.-Sept.
 Dear Parents and Guardians of 1st and 2nd Graders,

It is thrilling to begin a new year of investigation, enrichment, and exploration! We have begun our Interactive Notebooks. I want to reiterate the importance of having the 3-subject notebooks and what we will be doing with them. We are going to be completing Interactive Notebooks in class. The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. We will glue in diagrams, pictures, vocabulary, and much more! It will also serve as an ongoing portfolio of all their gifted work. Ours will be divided up into three sections: Critical Thinking, Project Based Learning, and Reflections.                              

Project Based Learning: Map Skills & Continents
Students will explore the “Map Skills and Continents” unit by first learning about the earth’s land to water ratio. We will then take an in depth look at each of the seven continents including information about the language, weather, animals, music, etc., of each continent. Additionally, we will discuss the key geographic and cultural features of each of these giant land masses. Your child will even get the opportunity to become an expert on his/her favorite continent and create a travel poster enticing others to come visit! Throughout this unit we will also be learning about the oceans as well as general map skills such as- the cardinal directions, the compass rose, keys, and more!

Literature: Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar

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